Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gonna blog about Last last friday post, Its Topshop sale just at 1U for those teenagers,those whose have student card. Could got extra addiction 20% discount for those clothes.

But i could tells you that actually not really cheap la...cause i thought is cheap likes 1clothes about rm30 to 40 but is not,after discount still is rm50 something..siao la!!!! I dunno la...'maybe i didn't go to topshop buy clothes before',cause all my clothes its from guangzhao or sungai.w. So, i really dunno about their price is cheap or not?? Hhee.. :)

And the atmosphere there was damn crowded,anyways the Sale is started at 3.00p.m. So Me&Zesty went there is about 2.30 something, and we thought that won't be so many peoples,but we're wrong. Look!!!Crazy rite???? cause the first 100 will got a freegift.That's why all the human had came early, but sadly we didn't get the freegift :/And before enter the shop you need to show your student card to them.20-30 person only can went in.Others need to wait for 10min only can went in.

After line-up for 30mins and we didn't get anything from topshop.So, we decided walk around 1U for 2hours and off for our dinner.

And unluckily my car battery unfunction again!!! bloody hell, i was worried like hell..and the first thing i do is call my bro to rescue me, but my bro didn't pick up my phone, i had call 3-4 times,still didn't answer.Its makes me lagi worried. So, i tried to call Soh and ask him where is he,whether he at around damansara here.But the answer is he at home,Cheras.

Then i lagi lagi worried...that time i was thinking 'sei la.. still got who could rescue me' :[ But luckily soh tell me that james will maybe at damansara now, so i tried to call james. Luckily he pick up the phone,his at damansara,and can came to rescue me. Must thanks to him :)

After finish done the car, we're hungry like hell!!! so drove to 6 to 10 grill again!!! Mua lamb again, i actually wanna try others but end up choose the same one again. and recommend Zesty ate their famous Nasi-Lemak pork redang!!! yumm

After finish our main dish we walk to food foundry ate dessert!!!!

Finally i can ate you guys already Hheee!!!! had waited you guys long time ago.. :)

So much layers....and luckily didn't disappointed me :)

So, wat are you still waiting for faster faster go for Mille crepes ss17 Food foundry :)

Will upload more pic on FB. :)

Demi <3

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sis just came back from HongKong :) and she had bought me the Red Cardigen!!!! love it so Much!!!!! i'm sure i'll wear it every times,when ever where i go.Cause i have been searching for the red cardigen long long time ago. :) But now is on my hand now Hheeeee xD .

And the Pink Speaker!!from GuangZhao is daddy bought for me and he call sis to bring back from Me.It can just put your USB for listen to music!!!Great! i need it much! and Lastly the LASTEST ViVi OCT AKA 'TING WEI' cause this magazine at china is pronous as 'Ting Wei'

I'm the luckies girl now :D


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One of the day, had just came back from college, and decided to cook a healthy&unfats dinner for myself.Don't think that i dunno how to cook, actually i really know how to cook, Since i was standard 4, i had cooked give my parents ate before. SO, don't play play wit me.xD besides that, my choice is cooked spegeetii :) you guys will think that is a easy dish,but actually not. I not plan to cook neither red or white sause,No!!! i will cook without sauce spaghetti :)

So,here the ingredients you needs.

The main ingredients is spaghetti :) must have!!!, firstly you need to boiled the spaghetti first, and add some salt into the water.Its to lets the spaghetti have a little taste.

Second- cut all the indegrents into pieces. And the seasoning part you need a soya-sause ,black peper,pizza seasoning and dill. And of cause if you have cheese, you could also add some cheese on, it will taste more better.

Thrid- you need to cut those small tomatoes into half.

And blended it the big tomatoes, cause we need the juicy sauce to avoid the spaghetti is too dry.

after that,cook the small tomatoes. add in the garlic and white onion.

After finished boiled the spaghetti, take the spaghetti to wash it and add on some ice.
Add on the spaghetti on to the bowl.

lastly- add all the meats and those vegetables to cooked togethers.

I'm Done, sorry for the information if not really clear and understand. Next time i will try harded to explain more details ok :)

Ho Chak!!!!!



Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bye bye, Dad's.Bye bye mum's :') Will MISS you TWO Lots!!!! just came back from Lcct.I'm feel tired now,but i dunno why once i lay on the bed i did not feel sleepy anymore.Maybe the sleep time had pass already. And i had just slept for 3hours only, cause need to woke up at 3.00a.m to send my parents to airport. 6.00a.m came back to house playing comp till now. I think tonight i will sleep early already. =)

Besides that, yesterday those cyclist friends had do a 'so called farewell' at Mid.v Boulevard hotel 9floor for a buffer lunch.But i could tells the food is SUCK!!! till MAX!! won't be there for second time already... -_-

The pic of the days :)

Really not nice don't waste your money eat this kinda of food. And also not cheap at all,its cost 50.00 per person. What the hell! the food is like so malay style, not like others buffer lunch have international foods. -_-
Bk princess Candra :) she so so adorable :)

dislikes my hair on that day. :(
Mummy, Bunny and per-li :)

Daddy :)
Everyone was busy chit-chat. About the touring.
and had group pic with the cyclists :)

After the buffer lunch, me and the parents went to time.s cause dad's need to bought a hard disk, to tibet but at last he had changed his mind that din't bring along the hard disk.
Cause he scare that china won't have internet cafe. And i feel a bit waste money,Cause me &he at the same time had bought a hard disk too, His is 350GB cost RM160 and mine is 250GB cost RM140 .If i know my dad won't bring the hard disk to china,then i will change my mind to buy a 16GB thumdrive cost RM76 only. But now its too late already.. -_-

Anyways after the shops, we went for dinner with brother& his gf. His gf had recomend us to tried thai-food its located at somewhere cheras. Importants is the food is very delicous :)
Mummy and daddy, the last night&days we ate dinner togethers. Must wait till after 2month :(

Thai food- i love the most is the salad mangoes& my all time favour juicy bbq Lamb :) yummy..

Today picture

They need to drop of their bikes,and had overloads. So have to charge the bicycler rm160 something.So expensive!!!! -_-
after that, we went for breakfirst or late supper???? at old town.
The naked face.... :P
Picture wit mummy, my eyes so cacat... -_-
Bro and gf had captured wit mum too :)
The familys pic, expect sis. cause she had went to hong kong. But she still can meet the parents at china :)
A picture wit daddy, why he always din't look at the camera =/
Bye bye daddy,bye bye mummy... :'( sobs...... when i took this pic that time,i look at my mom and my mom look back at me, and she came and hug me tightly for last chance.I know we both will not hesitate each others,but still we need to spare.

Once my parents leaves,i had cried i dunno why??? the tears keep on drops none stop.You guys sure thought that i'm abit 'kua' just 2month only,wat for need to cried like they won't come back anymore, Chui!!!won't happen 'touch wood' Maybe i feel that they din't have left me for long time period before.Maybe thats the reason why am i cried, till now also will. :/

Anyways touring to tibet is my mom dreams, so hope they enjoy the rides and will take good cares themselve.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Today its the First month of Oct, can't believe that times pass so fast.I had been studying college for 3months already,these was lot of assignment,exam and quiz...Now i know,how is college life are. :( .Besides that, mua parents is gonna leave me soon =( for 2 month,cause they go for touring cycler to Tibet,on this Oct 3 its Sunday. Gonnna miss them so badly :/

Let's don't talk about that first, anyways today me and zesty 'my collegemates' after finish the malaysian studies on 1p.m

We had decided go to SUNWAY PIRAMAID for SHOPPING!!!! had bought myself a pink sweet cardigan its cost me RM35 after discount 30% and the orginal price its RM49.9 izit very 'dai' ??? 'sorry i lazy to snap the pic,next time k...' :) i likes it berry berry much :D and i realise that sunway some of the shoplots sell those fashion clothes is not really expensive,so that means i could go there for shopping already.

But still it causes me spent money again :( cause i still need to keep those pocket money untill end of oct,how could i survives it!!!

After Shopping, we went to hunt some cheap&delicous foods. So, we had choosen taiwan cuisine. But the food its not really nice,just normal only. :/

Zesty- she said today she not pretty, so anti to camera. And had said next time only capture her,when she look pretty. :)

So the food that we orders. Many rite??? actually all its came by Set. And 1 set its cost rm10 to rm14 it depends the set menu.

Taiwan Hotdogs the taste just Normal,that you could bought it on pasar,malam.

Look nice rite??? but actually not really, its spicy&sour soup. But i could said not spicy at all,just sour only.

At last picture- Fatties face again :P


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Blogging... :) Last weekend had went out with the familys to Fahrenheit KL,cause daddy and sister have to went there to do something 'Is a secret, will tells you if its done'. and meets someone else.Anyways we went to Pacific coffee to waited the person came its located at '1floor'.

Had orders this special cakes,Its look nice&delicous, i forgot what its the name already. But nvm, the cakes not really special :/ just normal only.

After that Nee had came to find me, cause i need to help her staff to do the phone number somethings cause must use student id card to do.But at last we din't go to do. Cause we're lazy to walk along to sg, so we just went to pavillion bought Chartime again!!! Nee-milk tea, and Mine- honeylemon&alovera.My New Korean Friend, 'Anyonghaseyo' :)

I dunno nowadays why my face look Horrible already!!!!!

After finish our drinks, went back to farenheit. And we saw 'Penny tai'& another singer. But the atmosphere there not crowd at all. So, we can stand closer to look at her.
Anyways,in real life she look still quite young& pretty tooo :) Mum and Joan, i had accidentally captured Joan,cause i dunno she is besides my mom. :P After that nee went back to her shop.I had to plan my diet now!!!! i'm Getting fat nowadays...We went off to fahrenheit,and rush went to tropicanal city mall, Pj. Watched The legend of 'Chen Zen' cause we had early booked the ticket on thursday. Besides the movie is damn Nice, and Donnie yan body is so freaking Muscles!!!!

After that, had finish movie we went for makan our dinner. Its located at ss17 '6 to 10 grill' i had explored this shop for many times already. But now i had the chance to tried it. Lucky the food din't dissapointed me, its quite delicous. Must find 1day and bring my Gfs come to try it! :)
Dad's Pork chop wit pinapple sauce, yes i mean PORK CHOP!!!!! you din't see wrong, and i din't type wrong. Cause that shops is non-halal. And thats is their famous dish at '6 to 10 grill'
Lamb of cause is Mine!!!! the lamb lover.. ;D yummmmyy... Its cost 31ringgit, quite reasonable cause its quite Huge.
The Fattie blogger!!!!

Finally, i had finish type. Gotto get my ass off to study. Cause Next week will have exam again.. =( and the parents is going to tibet soon. I think still have left 4days 'counting' gonna miss them so so so badly.=(
