Monday, March 8, 2010

Now is a ready March.
Aihz....that means, i must ready myself for college a ready.=( Nowadays, everyone was keep on mumbling me.'Why did't you not yet start your college','have you chose your study course','why don't you start your college at Jan','you are wasting your time now' and Bla..bla..bla..
Align Center

could you guys pls...stop asking me that question!!! i be tahan ah!!!! because i'm still THINKING OK!!!!! i just doesn't wan to waste my parents money.If i had chose the wrong course and i must comfirm not make any mistakes that it makes me feel regret for the rest of my life.. Thats why,i had to use 3month for thinking which course that is suit me k!!!

But now,i think i have found which is 'Fashion marketing&manage' cause i think maybe after graduate,i could help my parents on their bussiness accessories.And the another reason is i like fashion :) so wish me luck,that i won't change my mind and get regret.=)

Besides, March month quite alot things will happen.

9March- joelle choeng Birthday :)
11March- SPM result F*
12March- special day..Hheeee.
13March- go for education at mid.v
13March again- maybe second gathering for 6k primary school???
14March- moving to another NEW* house =)
14 March again- Jee Nee is going to Taiwan =( i'm alone......
19 March- Jee Nee come back from Taiwan!!!! =)

Demi <3

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