Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Packing packing packing.......Nowadays damn boodly busy of packing my stuff especially mua clothers is DAMN boodly MANY!!!!!!

Why????because is going to move house on March of 8 from a terrace house move to a Semi-D. It's located at Puncak.Jalil.And will goner miss my house so much =) cause all my childhoods memories was at this old house,is been likes 15year of memories with happiness,joy&sad =(

Besides that,i will miss my neighboor friend 'Gan jing ru' since i was primary 1,i started know her.Therefore, i always went to her house for playing 'Masak-masak' or 'Daddy&mummy'...we have lot of fun ;)

So,untill we study secondary school,we had tuition together and untill we had our PMR&SPM examination we will always had group study for revision.. especially Math,cause i'm weak on that subject xP.Anyways i will always remanber She and try to keep in touch with HER=)

Demi <3

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