Friday, September 3, 2010

Finally exam had finish Huuhaarayy.. :D so its time to blog, anyways it is a last last sunday post. But i had delay till today only post out. :P sorry...

So,on that day had went to 3place is pavilion,bunny house and Genting. How great it is :) whole day went out,cause i'm a person that doesn't like to stay at home whole day :)

The first stop at pavillion is Cha time its a taiwan bubble tea

I berry berry likes their bubble tea its so freaking nice :) and i had order this passion lemon tea jelly something lar.... Nice!!!!And also bring my parents& sis makan this Harajuku crepes :) and they like it especially the bananas favourite add extra vanila ice-cream :) lol....look at my daddy -_-
After that went for lunch at foodcourt. Had order this japanense dish from 'Yit Fan'Taken by mom,and i Look so lansi :P Hhahhaaa...but i'm not. :)

At Bunny house
Its seem likes someone birthday and we doesn't not know, so we din't buy any present,cause we thought is just a simple dinner.
Alice baby...she so adorable :)

At night went to Genting for yumcha and find my causin sis and aunts,anyways its been a years that i din't went to genting already.I think have 5&6 years already,so this time i had the chance to look see look see how the genting had changed.
on the way to Genting.
Green-tea is my always choice :) too bored already, so searching for connection for FB. :)
Aunty and mummy busy taking pic.. -_-
or busy chatting.

And Me!! busy posing some ramdom pose. :P Camwhore its always must do for those girls :)

They always so sweet :)

captured wit mom too :) as you can saw we are too bored already.
Baby sister??? Yes..we'r, cause is one of my aunty friends grand daughter, we had to look after her. Cause her grandma had went to casino already.. -_-
That me, ya i know i wore shorts, and my aunty keep asking me 'am i feel cold' and my answer is not really. Because i'm was in indoor.
But after 2 something midnight i feel cold already,Cause our hotel is on genting hotel,so we must walk from 1world hotel to genting hotel. And outside was damn windy.. -_-

The next morning :) had early woke up,cause need to fetch my causin to work at 12, so its means i din't plays those theme park :(

Had breakfirst and i likes my new hat :) Morning everyone
Early morning had the mood for camwhore already :)
Had captured wit the two leng lui causin sister :)
ramdom me.. :P

Last not least :)

So thats how i spent my sunday with my parents :)

demi <3

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