Friday, July 30, 2010

I know i haven't been blogging much lately,and i really wanted to blog something,but i have no idea what i need to blog... Cause i'm just to bored. =/ Now is almost 1weeks already and i still din't not post something to keep my blog Alive...what a good blogger am i 'give a claps to her'.... Anyways now I can't upload some picture too,for let you guys look see look see...So Sorry :P

Because my camera had lend it to my Che che 'sister',Cause she gonna celebrated her birthday at tonight AGAIN.And she have been celebrating her birthday since wednesday untill today Friday, 'What a lucky girl' Maybe she had to many friends already..'I'm jealous ok' !!!!! -_-

So, just now i had read one of the blogger blog.. Her blog was quite touch,she is a teenager had early enter marriage the way to. She had mention that she regret it,she thought it,and she deserve to being accused of any nature. Those days,when she was teenager she had always argue,rebellious been with her mom.Or either done something that makes her mom heart broken.
And since she was secondary,those teachers were named as her gangs 'Lima Kepala'. She always gave teacher a bad behaviour,makes fun of teacher untill those teacher had give up with them.Besides that, when she was from4 she had left school early,she was the one early enter the way to marriage and it's a pity.
Anyways she said she now feels Happiness,because she had birth a cute baby girl...and a husband that craving&love her... :)

I hopes she really choose the right decision in her live.GOD BLESS HER* :) anyways, Girls...i'm just wanna said that,think before you do or do some preparation safety before u do.Please Protect&love yourself. :)


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday my beloved CHE CHE 'sister' :) i love u..

Thats what i had bought for my sister :) hope she likes it :)

Demi <3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Its time to update my blog :) I had cut my bangs...... izit nice???? Hope my friends like it?? So, Jee nee wat do you think???? The first left picture its actually i cut it myself, and very freaking ugly =( i very regret at that moment, when i chop down my long fringe. =( But luckilly i had call my mom to help me cut back nicely..Pweeehhh..the second right picture. Althought is my mom help me cut but i always won't regret to call her.Because since i was kindergarden my mom had help me cut my hair till secondary,so she will know wat i wan. :) Anyways she had help me to cut abit back and front,cause i wanna look it different.I'm bored wit previous my hair.. =) nice??

The Outfit of the day :) high waist + Flag of the United kingdom 'T' At Mid valley,Spaghetti grill restaurant. Had order Vegetarian Pizza... :) And had lunch wit my beloved Mummy :) Look she wore flora too xD

Captured by mom :)
Last-Me and Mummy :)

Demi <3

Friday, July 16, 2010

Outfit of the day :) nowadays i dunno why that i likes to show my outfit in blog,maybe is my mom had bought alot of clothes for me.So i just wanna show out to you guys look-see-look-see :P and how i match those beautiful clothes it nicely,so hope you guys enjoy my outfit. :)
Thats how i match them together. :)

Oohh..... and this is the most lastest hairband that sale at my mom shop Fennel :) you can twist it the hairband that wat it wanna be. If you are a person that can't wear a hairband because will makes you pain. Then i will strongly recommend you girls wear this, cause is really comf0rtable.And the taiwan tv show ' lady map aka ni ren wo jui da' also had recommend this hairband,if you got watch the tv show that post on 15july. :) so,what are you waiting for???grab it now!!!!!

so don't jealous me, cause i got the lastest hairband Hheeeee...xD


Thursday, July 15, 2010

I had wore one of mine favour 'love' dress that bought from my mummy :) AND you will always see me wear this dress more often.

Had wore the same print love dress wit mummy :)

And had Nyonya for our dinner. My beloved mummy :) Lavender cakes Once again, happy birthday I love u :)


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday
Mummy :) love ya... xoxo <3

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The blogger :)Is so hyper NOW!!!! cause her mummy bought her lots of clothes xD Yeeeeppiiiiii.....Those all are flora dress,shirts,long dress :)
And those all clothes now is very trend in fashion :)
Last- I got the latest new vivi magazine its july season. xD


Monday, July 12, 2010

Thats my new* clothers :) bought it at last Saturday. All its cost rm130... :) Well Done
DEMI CHAN spent money again xD


Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm just wanna show off my favourite korean T-shirts :) bought it at time.s is one of the korean shop thats located at 3floor. :)
The 'LAKER' Actually quite ramdom x) Hhaaaa i know,i know... who cares.. :P


Thursday, July 8, 2010

So last week, is the last class that we will had our English languages class. And i really do enjoy the english class,we had lots of fun,talk some nonsense thinks at the class and had lern some new words that i never heard before. And also i likes my pretty teacher :) She is a patient teacher,no matter i dunno how to do the homework, She will just ask me 'DEMI, got any question wanna ask me'???..I'm really glad that i had this kinda of teacher. Because if you are one of my closer friend you will know how stupid am i... :P

Monday, July 5, 2010

The blogger Breaks 1month holiday =)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hey guys!!!! my New toy* Cammy finally arrived =) Got it just now. I'm so Hyper happy..... no need to use the lousy phone to captured already...WEEEHHHEEEEEEEE....xD

My New Ricoh 'cx1' :)

Its came with cover too.... but the cover is a bit ugly. So i maybe think of buy another new cover too match wit cx1 :)The body&stylish of RICOH. Its abit like vintage camera, and i like it.... cause i always wanted to buy a vintage camera. So here finally came. =)

Picture captured by cx1

And could captured the rainbow with clear picture&colour... =)

:I'm sure that nowadays i will keep holding my camera.And capture till none stop :P Hhee
