Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bye bye, Dad's.Bye bye mum's :') Will MISS you TWO Lots!!!! just came back from Lcct.I'm feel tired now,but i dunno why once i lay on the bed i did not feel sleepy anymore.Maybe the sleep time had pass already. And i had just slept for 3hours only, cause need to woke up at 3.00a.m to send my parents to airport. 6.00a.m came back to house playing comp till now. I think tonight i will sleep early already. =)

Besides that, yesterday those cyclist friends had do a 'so called farewell' at Mid.v Boulevard hotel 9floor for a buffer lunch.But i could tells the food is SUCK!!! till MAX!! won't be there for second time already... -_-

The pic of the days :)

Really not nice don't waste your money eat this kinda of food. And also not cheap at all,its cost 50.00 per person. What the hell! the food is like so malay style, not like others buffer lunch have international foods. -_-
Bk princess Candra :) she so so adorable :)

dislikes my hair on that day. :(
Mummy, Bunny and per-li :)

Daddy :)
Everyone was busy chit-chat. About the touring.
and had group pic with the cyclists :)

After the buffer lunch, me and the parents went to time.s cause dad's need to bought a hard disk, to tibet but at last he had changed his mind that din't bring along the hard disk.
Cause he scare that china won't have internet cafe. And i feel a bit waste money,Cause me &he at the same time had bought a hard disk too, His is 350GB cost RM160 and mine is 250GB cost RM140 .If i know my dad won't bring the hard disk to china,then i will change my mind to buy a 16GB thumdrive cost RM76 only. But now its too late already.. -_-

Anyways after the shops, we went for dinner with brother& his gf. His gf had recomend us to tried thai-food its located at somewhere cheras. Importants is the food is very delicous :)
Mummy and daddy, the last night&days we ate dinner togethers. Must wait till after 2month :(

Thai food- i love the most is the salad mangoes& my all time favour juicy bbq Lamb :) yummy..

Today picture

They need to drop of their bikes,and had overloads. So have to charge the bicycler rm160 something.So expensive!!!! -_-
after that, we went for breakfirst or late supper???? at old town.
The naked face.... :P
Picture wit mummy, my eyes so cacat... -_-
Bro and gf had captured wit mum too :)
The familys pic, expect sis. cause she had went to hong kong. But she still can meet the parents at china :)
A picture wit daddy, why he always din't look at the camera =/
Bye bye daddy,bye bye mummy... :'( sobs...... when i took this pic that time,i look at my mom and my mom look back at me, and she came and hug me tightly for last chance.I know we both will not hesitate each others,but still we need to spare.

Once my parents leaves,i had cried i dunno why??? the tears keep on drops none stop.You guys sure thought that i'm abit 'kua' just 2month only,wat for need to cried like they won't come back anymore, Chui!!!won't happen 'touch wood' Maybe i feel that they din't have left me for long time period before.Maybe thats the reason why am i cried, till now also will. :/

Anyways touring to tibet is my mom dreams, so hope they enjoy the rides and will take good cares themselve.


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