Friday, October 1, 2010

Today its the First month of Oct, can't believe that times pass so fast.I had been studying college for 3months already,these was lot of assignment,exam and quiz...Now i know,how is college life are. :( .Besides that, mua parents is gonna leave me soon =( for 2 month,cause they go for touring cycler to Tibet,on this Oct 3 its Sunday. Gonnna miss them so badly :/

Let's don't talk about that first, anyways today me and zesty 'my collegemates' after finish the malaysian studies on 1p.m

We had decided go to SUNWAY PIRAMAID for SHOPPING!!!! had bought myself a pink sweet cardigan its cost me RM35 after discount 30% and the orginal price its RM49.9 izit very 'dai' ??? 'sorry i lazy to snap the pic,next time k...' :) i likes it berry berry much :D and i realise that sunway some of the shoplots sell those fashion clothes is not really expensive,so that means i could go there for shopping already.

But still it causes me spent money again :( cause i still need to keep those pocket money untill end of oct,how could i survives it!!!

After Shopping, we went to hunt some cheap&delicous foods. So, we had choosen taiwan cuisine. But the food its not really nice,just normal only. :/

Zesty- she said today she not pretty, so anti to camera. And had said next time only capture her,when she look pretty. :)

So the food that we orders. Many rite??? actually all its came by Set. And 1 set its cost rm10 to rm14 it depends the set menu.

Taiwan Hotdogs the taste just Normal,that you could bought it on pasar,malam.

Look nice rite??? but actually not really, its spicy&sour soup. But i could said not spicy at all,just sour only.

At last picture- Fatties face again :P


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