Friday, February 12, 2010

Pheeewwww~ just came back from shopping AGAIN!!!!for the last mint cny shopping.

Besides that,today seriously damn freaking tired..-_- early morning 7a.m had woke-up cause had to accompany my parents went to wet market. To bought those CNY things,and its was damn bloody traffic jam at the wet market untill we had drove likes 1hour to found car park...Booldy hell kns...!!!!
After that,went out wit my sister cause she wanted to bought cny clothes again..Ya, including me also lar...Hheee xD So,Today i had bought 7things...I FINALLY BOUGHT ALL MY SHOPPING LIST THINGS,but actually not yet xP because i haven buy my vintage ring.Hheee but nvm lar....IT'S really enough to me a ready xD

Start at left- 1) vest 30bucks bought it at thirt floor,2) legging wit love shape =) 15bucks at fourth floor,3&4) T-shirts 2for 30bucks only at fourth floor too,5)stocking love shape also 10bucks at fifth floor,6)vintage belt 20bucks at fifth floor,7) dress 40bucks at fifth floor too...

And this two clothes is my sis bought for me. Hheeee thanks sister =) Oh..ya.. and the vest can turn it to the another side,So can change it to leapord vest love it <3

My turn to spent my sis eat baskin robbin ICE-CREAM =) my favour is cherrie jubilee.

Untidy hair stylish xP

Demi <3

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