Friday, September 24, 2010

So,i had finish watched my Hottie.You know wat i mean rite?? just check my previews post then you will know wat am i talking about. OMGosh..he seriously damn Hot lor...can't stand without it!!! anyways that drama, really nice. If you got time sure must go to watch it. But i had to warn you first,that 'Ruo Xi aka Huang Xiao Ming' IS MINE OK!!!!
sorry for being lame..xD Hhaa..

Besides that,today i will post about my sweetie Bff aka My 'Hou Jie Mui' :) Kitty KOO THING NIONG!!!! Happy Illegel 18 Birthday on 22SEPT. Always stay Pretty,Happy&Healthy :)

Waiting for the burday girl came,and give her surprise.Cause those days,before the birthday came,the burday girl Bf had plan wit us that wanna give her a surprise.And me & nee keep on tell her that we hard to came out at night or some lame reason lar...We just wanted to makes her sad or something la.. Hhee.... i know we're bad :D to treat her on her burday.

But mana tau MISSION FAILED all because of the guy that wore a red t-shirts lar.. -_-but also can't blame him la... Because he doesn't know we're going to give a surprise to kitty. We makan at lot10 3floor sabu-sabu buffer. The food was ok lar.... And Ashley,Choo, and Chayan had came too :)really long time din't saw them. I think since we finish spm till now only saw them.Burday girl Kitty koo.Also long long time din't saw her, i think had 1month something.But still the same skinny. -_- Her Burday cakes :)And her most Love+Sayang+Beloved+Family+Important Bf LAM KAI VERN. Hope you guys dun always fight or argue already, Must sayang each other,love each other,take care each other, and trust each other, ok.... :) I know i sound like a 'mother' i better stop now :PThe 3BFFFFFFFF.... <3The dress up on that day :)

Last but not least- Group Picture :)

Wanna 'kei por' more about the pic on that night?? click my FB!/album.php?aid=236924&id=673449261 to check it out . :)

demi <3

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